
Minister of Environment wins UN Champions of the Earth Award

Criado em 12/09/13 16h00 e atualizado em 12/09/13 16h10
Por Ana Cristina Campos Edição:s Fonte:Agência Brasil

Brasília – Brazil’s Minister of Environment Izabella Teixeira is one of the winners of the 2013 Champions of the Earth Award of the United Nations (UN). She won the most important environment award within the UN’s system in the "policy and leadership" category. Along with five other winners, the minister will receive the award in New York on September 18.

The announcement of the award was made on Thursday morning (September 12) at the UN House in Brasília. According to Jorge Chediek, UN resident coordinator in Brazil, the award is the acknowledgement of the minister’s commitment to the environment and the reduction of deforestation, as well as her contribution in the high-level global panels on global sustainability from 2010 to 2012, promoted by UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon. “The minister has contributed significantly to the elaboration of a global agenda for the environment. She represents a country that has done a great job in sustainable development in recent years,” Chediek said.

Izabella Teixeira said she was surprised and felt honored to be awarded. In her speech at the UN House, she paid a tribute to environment analysts. “This award is the acknowledgement of a 30-year-long career as an environment analyst and a whole generation of environment analysts who are also making a difference. This field encompasses a lot of complex negotiation topics. No one disagrees that we should have a cleaner, unpolluted planet, free of all illegal deforestation, but coming up with solutions to solve these problems is a complex process.”

The minister also mentioned the support given by the Brazilian diplomacy in the international negotiations on climate. “It’s important to believe in the Brazilian institutions, not only environment ones, but also those who are partners in the negotiations; and the Itamaraty [Brazil’s Ministry of Foreign Relations] plays a very important role in this respect. It’s crucial to hear and elaborate theses that promote the inclusion of all, and not theses that polarize negotiations. That’s the spirit of the UN
and of multilateralism.”

In the minister’s opinion, Brazil has always been a pioneer in the environment arena, and policies demand a lot of dialogue with different segments of society. “The debate on the Forest Code can serve as an example. It’s not only a solution to protect the forests. It’s a perspective that deals with field workers and the discussion on climate in agriculture. This award makes it clear that Brazil should be more ambitious and how much more needs to be done for the environment.”

The Champions of the Earth has been promoted by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) since 2005 and has already awarded former minister of the environment Marina Silva, former vice-president of the US Al Gore, and former Soviet statesman Mikhail Gorbachev.

Editors: Juliana Andrade / Nira Foster
Translators: Fabrício Ferreira

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