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President calls false rumors on termination of social program a criminal act

Criado em 22/05/13 11h09 e atualizado em 23/05/13 10h20
Por Danilo Macedo Fonte:Agencia Brasil


Brasilia – President Dilma Rousseff rebuffed rumors that appeared over the weekend to the effect that the government’s subsidy payment program for poor families (“Bolsa Familia”) was about to be terminated. She emphatically declared that her administration was committed to continuing the program. 

“I want to reassure the population that the government’s commitment to Bolsa Familia remains strong, profound and definitive,” declared the president. She added that people should not believe in pessimists who spread rumors. “Rumors can take surprising twists in this country. Whoever started this one is certainly less than human. Besides that, it is a criminal act. We have put the Federal Police on the case because this was an attempt to create panic among millions of Brazilians who over the last ten years have finally managed to climb out of extreme poverty,” Dilma concluded.

According to the Federal Police, the rumor consisted of information that Bolsa Familia benefit payments would be terminated on Saturday, May 18. As a result, thousands of beneficiaries lined up at Caixa Econômica Federal branches and post offices in the states of Paraiba, Amazonas, Maranhão and Rio de Janeiro.

On Sunday, May 19, the minister of Social Development and Hunger Combat, Tereza Campello, appealed to the population for calm and said the regular Bolsa Familia benefit withdrawal schedule was in effect and that beneficiaries should not go to the Caixa Econômico Federal or post offices before regular payment dates.

Ediction: Denise Griesinger/ Lícia Marques

Translation: Mayra Borges/Allen Bennett


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