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Due to protests, president postpones trip to Japan

Criado em 21/06/13 07h39 e atualizado em 21/06/13 07h44
Por Luana Lourenço Edição:Beto Coura Fonte:Agencia Brasil

Brasilia – Because of the wave of protests that have swept across the country in the last few days, president Dilma Rousseff has postponed a trip to Japan that was scheduled for June 23 to June 28.

The president decided she would rather not be absent from Brazil for almost a week while so many popular protests were taking place on the streets (“movimento popular pelas ruas”), according to the presidential press office (“Secretaria de Comunicação da Presidência da República”). A new date for the Japan trip was not announced.

At the same time, the trip Dilma was to make to Salvador, Bahia, today, June 21, for the rollout of the Semi-Arid Harvest Plan, has also been postponed at the request of the state governor, Jaques Wagner.

Wagner declared that because of Confederations Cup soccer games [Brazil plays Italy on Saturday in Salvador] governors in the region are having scheduling problems. In his case, said governor Wagner, those problems will make it impossible for him to be present at the Semi-Arid Harvest Plan inauguration ceremony. There has been no announcement of a new date for the launch of the plan.

Editor: Beto Coura
Translator: Allen Bennett

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