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Foreign minister says vandalism cannot be allowed to continue

Criado em 21/06/13 08h36 e atualizado em 21/06/13 09h53
Por Renata Giraldi Edição:s Fonte:Agencia Brasil

Brasilia – Protesters invaded the Ministry of Foreign Relations last night (Thursday, June 20). There was the beginning of a fire on the outside of the building.

“I am indignant about what happened. This building is part of Brazil’s national heritage, it is public property. It represents the search for understanding through dialogue, based on the law. This was an act of vandalism that cannot be repeated,” declared the minister of Foreign Relations, Antonio Patriota.

In his remarks, the minister emphasized that protesters must make their demands in a peaceful manner so that their demands have credibility. He pointed out that when a national landmark is destroyed,  “…all political and moral legitimacy is also destroyed.”“

"I believe that the vast majority of the protesters are not in favor of violence. On the contrary, they want to improve Brazilian democracy through legitimate forms of protest,” declared the minister.

Patriota added that last night the police were forced to react to the challenge posed by isolated acts of violence and that as of today security at the ministry building will be reinforced.

Editors: Talita Cavalcante / Nira Foster
Translator: Allen Bennett

Creative Commons - CC BY 3.0

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