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Protesters submit their demands to the Chamber of Deputies

Criado em 27/06/13 11h02 e atualizado em 27/06/13 12h05
Por Iolando Lourenço Edição:Nádia Franco / Nira Foster Fonte:Agência Brasil

Brasília – Concerns voiced in the recent nationwide waves of protests that have sweep across Brazil in recent weeks have been condensed into a list of 10 demands by representatives of activist associations and pressure groups. The list was presented to the Chamber of Deputies on Wednesday (June 26).

Demands include killing a bill that would classify protests during the Confederations Cup (and the future World Cup) as “terrorism;” the elimination of secret votes in Congress; and more investments in healthcare, education and security.

The activists also demanded passage of a bill (already approved by the Senate).that would make corruption (whether active or passive) a heinous crime..

Victor Reis, a representative of the “Movimento Honestinas” pressure group [named after a student leader who was "disappeared" by the military dictatorship], told Agência Brasil that the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Henrique Eduardo Alves, met with them and discussed every item on the list. Alves even made observations on the feasibility of some of the items on the list. Reis reported. Reis observed that the protesters in the street demonstrations are a mixed bag, just like the group that met with the deputy.

Another protest representative, Rodolfo Mohr, from “Movimento Juntos” (together), said the street protests were bringing about major changes, getting the government to listen to the people and pushing bills through Congress. He reported that Alves promised a follow-up meeting in early August to track progress.

Also according to Mohr, Alves said that a referendum on political reform may be held in September, with seven or eight items on a ballot, including mandatory voting. Under current law, Brazilians have to vote whether they want to or not and failure to vote results in a number of legal penalties.

The protesters' list of proposals submitted to the Congress also included setting up a Congressional Committee of Investigation (“CPI”) to look into government expenditures to host the World Soccer Cup and revoking the right of high-ranking officials (like congressmen and ministers) to be judged by the Supreme Court instead of ordinary courts.

Edition: Nádia Franco / Nira Foster
Translation: Mayra Borges / Allen Bennett

Creative Commons - CC BY 3.0

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