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Public defenders prepare to investigate police behavior outside Maracanã Stadium

Criado em 30/06/13 21h58 e atualizado em 30/06/13 22h01
Por Akemi Nitahara Edição:s Fonte:Agencia Brasil

Rio de Janeiro – Public defenders who were on duty during the confrontation between protesters and the Police outside the Maracanã Stadium today are going to examine evidence to see if the police exaggerated or were abusive.
According to Henrique Guelber, at the Center for Human Rights Defense at the Rio Public Defenders Office (“Núcleo de Defesa dos Direitos Humanos da Defensoria Pública do Estado do Rio de Janeiro”), there were 14 public defenders present at the scene of the confrontation. “The first objects that were thrown came from the protesters. That means, in principle, that the police had the right to react. However, I do not know if their reaction was abusive or not. There was a tumult, a lot of running, so it is hard to say exactly what happened,” declared Guelber, who added that anyone who wants to register police brutality (“abusos da polícia”) should telephone 129 – a 24/7 number at the Public Defender Office.
Editors: Julian Andrade / Licia Marques
Translator: Allen Bennett

Creative Commons - CC BY 3.0

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