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Brazil's Telecommunications Agency to investigate reported espionage by telecom companies

Criado em 08/07/13 18h29 e atualizado em 09/07/13 10h31
Por Pedro Peduzzi Edição:Nádia Franco / Lícia Marques Fonte:Agência Brasil

Brasília – Brazil's Telecommunications Agency (“Anatel”) is partnering with the Federal Police (“PF”) and other Brazilian authorities to investigate recent concerns that telecommunications providers operating in Brazil have breached confidentiality of electronic data and telephone communications. The announcement of the investigation was made on Monday (July 8) following reports that a United States government Internet and telephone surveillance scheme was monitoring Brazilian citizens' electronic and telephone data.

A national newspaper, O Globo, reported on Sunday (July 7) that communications data from Brazil were a major focus of surveillance under the US National Security Agency (NSA) Prism program, according to documents leaked by former NSA agent, Edward Snowden.

According to Anatel, confidentiality of electronic data and telephone communications “is a constitutional right granted both by law and Anatel regulations”, and any violations “can result in civil, criminal, and administrative liabilities”.

Representatives of the telecom trade union ("SindiTelebrasil") told Agência Brasil that it is waiting on an internal investigation before commenting publicly on the matter.

Edition: Nádia Franco / Lícia Marques
Translation: Mayra Borges / Allen Bennett

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