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Peaceful atmosphere expected for World Youth Day in Rio

Criado em 12/07/13 14h55 e atualizado em 16/07/13 14h04
Por Renata Giraldi Edição:Graça Adjuto / Nira Foster Fonte:Agência Brasil

Brasília – The chairman of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, Polish cardinal Stanislaw Rilko, said on Friday (July 12) that a joint effort by federal and local authorities will ensure a “smooth, undisturbed atmosphere” to welcome Pope Francis to Brazil. The Catholic leader is coming for the World Youth Day festivities that will take place between July 23-28 in Rio de Janeiro. Rilko, the Vatican point man for event organization, estimates that some two million Catholics will attend the event.

“[Brazil's] federal and [Rio's] state governments are committed to making every effort to ensure that the World Youth Day festivities and the Pope's presence all take place in a peaceful, disturbance-free setting. Personally, I am very confident [that peace will reign],” the cardinal said.

Rilko, who has just arrived in Brazil, made the following statement: “There's an atmosphere of excitement and anticipation in Brazil – especially in Rio – about the Holy Father's visit and the World Youth Day.” He went on, “But people's strongest expectation is – of course – to welcome the Pope, the first ever from Latin America. He has already won all our hearts,” Rilko said.

The cardinal pointed out that youth are a priority for the pope. “Right from the earliest months of his papacy, Pope Francis has shown that youth are a priority. He has also shown a great ability to communicate with them.”

*With information from Vatican Radio

Edition: Graça Adjuto / Nira Foster
Translation: Mayra Borges / Allen Bennett

Creative Commons - CC BY 3.0

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