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Pope to meet Argentinean pilgrims

Criado em 25/07/13 09h51 e atualizado em 25/07/13 11h51
Por Vitor Abdala Edição:José Romildo/ Nira Foster Fonte:Agência Brasil

Rio de Janeiro – Pope Francis will meet Argentinean pilgrims at Rio Metropolitan Cathedral this afternoon (July 25). According to the Holy See press officer, Father Federico Lombardi, 5,000 people will be allowed into the meeting.

“It's more like an improvised encounter to say hello. [The Pope] requested this last-minute arrangement so that he could see Argentinean youth and they could see him,” Lombardi explained. According to the press officer, no speech has been prepared, “but the Pope will certainly know what to say.”

The pontiff's schedule for today opened with a private mass in the archdiocesan residence where he is staying in Rio. Other engagements include the Keys to the City award ceremony, the blessing of the Rio 2016 Olympics flag, and a visit to the Varginha neighborhood located at the Manguinhos slums, northern Rio.

Later today, at 6 pm (local time), Pope Francis will make his first appearance at a World Youth Day main event: the Papal Welcoming Ceremony.

Edition: José Romildo/ Nira Foster
Translation: Mayra Borges

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