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Brazil keeps embassy in Egypt open

Criado em 16/08/13 15h39 e atualizado em 19/08/13 12h48
Por Renata Giraldi Edição:s Fonte:Agência Brasil

Brasília – Brazil’s government decided to keep its embassy in Egypt operational, with the presence of ambassador Marco Antonio Diniz Brandão and his team. Tovar da Silva Nunes, the spokesman for the Brazilian Minister of Foreign Relations (“Itamaraty”), told Agência Brasil that, unlike what several other European countries did, the government has no intention of sending for Egyptian ambassador Hossam Edlin Mohamed Ibrahim Zaki in Brasília in order to obtain clarifications.

Tovar further stated that the Brazilian ambassador in Egypt often gives reports on the situation, which shows how important it is for him to stay there. In his view, the increasingly grim state of the crisis, made worse by the death of 525 people in the clashes between protesters and the police, is being watched very closely by Brazilian authorities.

“We’ve been following what’s going on in Egypt with great concern, and we’re also waiting for an evaluation from the international community, like the one given on Thursday [August 15], with the [United Nations] Security Council asking for the end of violence and for maximum containment,” Tovar told the Agência Brasil.

Itamaraty declares that there are no Brazilians among the victims and no reported incidents. At the same time, the embassy remains alert and operational, on a special schedule arranged to give assistance to Brazilians. Additional measures are under consideration, should the situation in Egypt grow worse.

On Thursday (August 15), Brazil’s embassy in Egypt recommended the 140 Brazilians living in the country and also tourists to avoid going through areas with greater risks of conflict.

Editors: Talita Cavalcante / Nira Foster
Translators: Fabrício Ferreira / Olga Bardawil

Creative Commons - CC BY 3.0

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