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Homeless man set on fire while sleeping in square near Brasília

Criado em 01/08/13 14h17 e atualizado em 05/08/13 08h41
Por Agência Brasil Edição:s

Brasília – A homeless man sleeping on a bench in a square was attacked on July 1 around 5:38 am in Guará, a city in the Federal District about 10 km away from Brasília. Witnesses reported that three hooded people set fire to Edivan da Lima Silva, 48, who was seriously injured and has been hospitalized. Burns cover 63% of his body.

So far, the police have heard three witnesses who declared that homeless people gathered around a fire in the square when they were surprised by the attack. The only one sleeping was Edivan, and this is why the police believe he could not to escape.

One of Edivan’s friends, who is also homeless, said he did not have any enemies and has a calm disposition. Locals from the neighboring block said to Agência Brasil that the victim was always willing to help people and did not cause any trouble.

It is not the first time that this sort of crime happens in Brasília. Sixteen years ago, a group of teenagers set fire to aboriginal Galdino Jesus dos Santos, in Brasília, after which he did not resist and succumbed. The episode reached the international press because the perpetrators were from the middle and high classes, one of whom was the son of a judge.

Editors: Talita Cavalcante / Olga Bardawil
Translators: Fabrício Ferreira /Olga Bardawil

Creative Commons - CC BY 3.0

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