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Kerry’s clarifications are not enough, says Brazil’s Communications minister

Criado em 14/08/13 19h11 e atualizado em 14/08/13 19h22
Por Renata Giraldi and Pedro Peduzzi Edição:s Fonte:Agência Brasil

Brasília – The explanations given by US Secretary of State John Kerry are not enough, as reported by Brazil’s minister of Communications Paulo Bernardo on Wednesday (August 14), during a public hearing at the Chamber of Deputies. He was referring to the monitoring scheme carried out by US agencies on Brazilian citizens, with storage and flow of data in Brazil: “We’re not satisfied with the clarifications given [by Kerry]. For this reason, we’ll take the case to the international agencies, probably the United Nations.” And he added: “This spying scheme is not just for fighting against terrorism. It involves questions of industrial, diplomatic and commercial espionage.”

He mentioned, however, the importance of dialogue: “The political answer shouldn’t be [foreign minister] Patriota grappling with Kerry. We’ll open negotiation, because this issue is affecting all the citizens of the world. We’ll keep expressing our disagreement, and showing we'll not accept this.”

According to the minister, Congress can help the government look for a solution, at an international level, to stop the monitoring: “The answer should be a political answer [to the spying issue]. It was really controversial when [in the licenses for hardware and telecommunication equipment to be bought by the government] we asked for half of the hardware to be returned here. The US reported that to the World Trade Organization and to the technological area of the European Commission. This only confirms that we need to produce our own equipment here."

The Ministries of Communications and Justice are in charge of the team of experts, put together to collect data in the US and Brazil with the purpose of solving the deadlock brought about by the collection of data by American agencies. Paulo Bernardo announced that a center is to be built, where imported equipment will be checked so as to find out whether they can be used as tools for internet surveillance.

US Secretary of State John Kerry said on Tuesday (August 13) that the monitoring scheme is part of the national system for ensuring the protection of citizens. He visited the country as Brazilian authorities awaited information from the US concerning the data collection in the means of communications, as alleged by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.

Editors: Denise Griesinger / Lícia Marques
Translators: Fabrício Ferreira / Olga Bardawil

Creative Commons - CC BY 3.0

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