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Sustainable agricultural project in Brazil gets UK support

Criado em 15/08/13 11h14 e atualizado em 15/08/13 13h56
Por Jorge Wamburg Edição:Davi Oliveira / Lícia Marques Fonte:Agência Brasil

Brasília – The Brazilian government has launched a project called Sustainable Agriculture for Rural Development, designed to reduce carbon emissions, recover and protect forest areas in the Amazon and the Atlantic Forest.
The project, launched on Wednesday (August 14), is a cooperation between Brazil's Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Food Supply (“Mapa”) and the British Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) – which is going to provide a non-refundable $34.6 grant. The project will help over 3,700 farmers in 70 municipalities in Brazil and is sponsored by the International Climate Fund and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), which is responsible for management and technical implementation.

According to Brazil's Minister of Agriculture, Antônio Andrade, the purpose of the project is to promote low-carbon agricultural techniques and practices to help farmers recover the agricultural potential of degraded land and restore legal reserves and preservation areas.

The minister explained that recovering degraded areas and reducing carbon emissions to the atmosphere are the government's top priorities. “Farmers will benefit from larger supplies of water to maintain their crops, with secondary benefits to consumers, who will have high-quality, lower-price products.”

Also according to the minister, Brazilian agriculture is always growing and achieving important results for the balance of trade, with exports making over $49 billion in the first semester. He also reported that the current crops are expected to yield 16 million tons and an anticipated estimate of 190 million tons in 2013/2014.

Edition: Davi Oliveira / Lícia Marques
Translation: Mayra Borges / Olga Bardawil

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