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Brazil to encourage studies and careers in Exact Sciences and Biology

Criado em 10/09/13 19h02 e atualizado em 11/09/13 10h12
Por Yara Aquino Edição:s Fonte:Agência Brasil

Brasília – The Brazilian government will launch this week a program called “I want to be a scientist, I want to be a teacher”, which aims at encouraging high school students from public schools to pursue careers in the fields of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Biology. Students will be granted scholarships worth US$ 65 as a means to motivate them in their studies. Thirty thousand scholarships are estimated to be granted at the beginning, which should be gradually increased to a 100,000.

Students will be under the supervision of an advising teacher, whose work will be fostered by universities and will also be granted a scholarship, whose value has not been disclosed yet.

“Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Biology are not the most sought-after areas when students go to college. These fields comprise only around 3% of the enrollments. They don’t usually go any higher than that. We want to make it better,” explained Aloizio Mercadante, minister of Education.

According to the minister, one of the main goals of the program is to reduce the shortage of 170,000 teachers of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Biology at public schools, but he expects more from the the program: “As you provide students with resources, they choose to pursue a career in one of the Exact Sciences in one way or another, as a teacher, a mathematician, a physicist, a chemist; and Brazil needs more of these professionals.”

Editors: Carolina Pimentel / Lícia Marques
Translators: Fabrício Ferreira

Creative Commons - CC BY 3.0

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