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Petrobras says it won't call off Libra auction

Criado em 12/09/13 10h35 e atualizado em 12/09/13 10h37
Por Vladimir Platonow Edição:s Fonte:Agência Brasil

Rio de Janeiro – Brazil's petroleum giant Petrobras' CEO, Graça Foster, has announced that the recent reports of espionage on petroleum giant Petrobras will not impact the auction for the pre-salt Libra field on Santos Basin, which is set to take place on October 21. She gave a press interview after an event featuring President Dilma Rousseff in Rio de Janeiro.

The concerns were sparked by a news broadcast on Globo TV on Sunday evening (September 8), which revealed documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.

“As far as I can see and know of, there's definitely no chance that we are calling off this auction because of these allegations, which are neither material, nor identified,” Foster said.

According to the Petrobras CEO, the company has an effective security system in place, which is constantly updated. “We do have a corporate security policy, and we had it revised only three weeks ago. We're on the alert.”

Editors: Fábio Massalli / Nira Foster
Translator: Mayra Borges

Creative Commons - CC BY 3.0

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