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Air fares soar in Brazil ahead of World Cup 2014

Criado em 17/10/13 10h08 e atualizado em 17/10/13 10h12
Por Ivan Richard Edição:s Fonte:Agência Brasil

Brasília – A proposal to set a ceiling to prevent abusive pricing of airline tickets for the World Soccer Cup 2014 in Brazil was rebuffed Wednesday (October 16) by the president of the Brazilian Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC), Marcelo Guaranys, during a public session at the Chamber of Deputies.

Despite reports that airlines are charging nearly ten times more for tickets valid for the World Cup period, Guaranys pointed out that “under ANAC regulations, airlines are free to pursue their own pricing policies, and any changes to that would entail law amendments. We have seen how this independence has resulted in price reductions over the past ten years. Today, passengers pay half the price they used to pay ten years ago.”

The ANAC executive went on to note that the air routes for the World Cup will be established in January, which is expected to expand flight offerings, bringing the fares down.

The proposed limit on fare prices emanates from the chairman of the Brazilian Tourism Institute (“Embratur”), Flávio Dino, as a way of putting pressure on airlines to maintain their prices despite demand booms caused by large-scale events like the World Cup: “We can't possibly admit that such an intangible law as supply and demand can alone regulate the travel industry – that would fly prices, not only the aircraft, into the stratosphere.”

Editors: Davi Oliveira / Lícia Marques
Translator: Mayra Borges

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