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Dilma Rousseff calls Libra pre-salt field auction “a success”

Criado em 22/10/13 12h41 e atualizado em 22/10/13 12h44
Por Paulo Victor Chagas Edição:s Fonte:Agência Brasil

Brasília – Following a tender on Monday (October 21) to award petroleum contracts for Brazil's Libra pre-salt offshore field in the Santos Basin, President Dilma Rousseff said that the auction was a success and warned that it must not be mistaken for privatization. On a nationwide radio and TV broadcast, Brazil's president argued that the interests of the Brazilian State and those of the contractors have been met to a “fair compromise”.

“Under the terms of the auction, Brazil's treasury and Petrobras will be entitled to 85% of all proceeds from the Libra field exploitation. This is quite something else than privatization. The private contractors will also benefit by making significant profits out of surfacing that wealth, matching the risk and investment they are making in the country,” she said.

According to Rousseff , the auction is a milestone in Brazil's history. “Its success will certainly be replicated in future pre-salt bids. We have begun to turn a depletable wealth like petroleum into an indestructible treasure – high quality education,” the president said, referring to the 75% of oil royalties that have been tied to education. “Within a decade, the Libra field alone may account for 67% of all oil currently produced in Brazil,” she went on.

A consortium of five companies – UK/Dutch Shell, France's Total, China's state-owned CNPC and CNOOC and Brazil's state-owned Petrobras – has won the competition. Out of the total 70% awarded to the consortium, Shell and Total each have a 20% stake, China's CNPC and CNOOC have 10% each, and Petrobras will have the remaining 10% – in addition to its secured 30% per the production sharing model.

According to Rousseff, “the successful auction” will fill the Treasury coffers with $124.21 billion worth of royalties, plus $338.58 billion in profit oil secured by production sharing and $6.9 billion as a signing bonus. “It amounts to a handsome $460+ billion,” he said.

The Brazilian president also urged using the resources wisely so that a “small, positive and transformational revolution” can begin in Brazil. She envisages the new Libra operations creating millions of jobs and enabling industrial and technological upgrades to Brazil's shipping and contractor sectors.

The benefits list goes further to include Brazil's trade balance, which is expected to tilt favorably on Brazil's side with the additional amount of petroleum which will bolster exports.

Magda Chambriard, head of the National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP), announced that the contracts will be signed within a month.

Editors: Aécio Amado / Nira Foster
Translator: Mayra Borges

Creative Commons - CC BY 3.0

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