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'Goals to Brazil' project hits US West Coast

Criado em 08/10/13 11h18 e atualizado em 08/10/13 11h21
Por Alana Gandra Edição:s Fonte:Agência Brasil

Rio de Janeiro – The Brazilian Tourism Institute (“Embratur”) will hold the next edition of the Goal to Brazil project in Los Angeles on October 10. The event aims to promote Brazil to the West Coast as a tourist destination during the World Soccer Cup 2014. Last year, the project ran in New York. The United States is one of the top sources of traveling to Brazil, second only to Argentina.

Embratur chair Flávio Dino said that attenders of the LA event will benefit from the introduction of a new flight between Los Angeles and São Paulo by American Airlines. “This makes the LA event especially interesting as it couples with air travel enhancements between the West Coast and Brazil.”

Launched in 2012, the Goal To Brazil project has toured 14 cities abroad. “It was designed to ensure the World Cup is a success and drive tourism growth in a continued, sustained way that outlasts the competition,” Dino explained. The first season attracted over 3,000 travel agents. “This encouraged us to repeat it,” he completed.

The second season opened in 2013 with Colombia. The country ranks among the top five sources of Brazil-bound travel and has been a remarkably fast-growing market this year. After Los Angeles, the event's next stop will be the Netherlands in November.

Three or four editions are planned next year towards the World Cup. Venues will be chosen based on the countries which qualify for the competitions as well as top ticketing demands.

Editors: Grace Adjuto / Nira Foster
Translator: Mayra Borges

Creative Commons - CC BY 3.0

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