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On 25th anniversary of Brazil’s Constitution, Lula is awarded a medal and defends politics

Criado em 29/10/13 19h36 e atualizado em 29/10/13 19h39
Por Karine Melo, Carolina Gonçalves and Danilo Macedo Fonte:Agência Brasil

Brasília – Offering support to the disabled, demarcating land for indigenous peoples, the concepts of freedom of thought, equality, universal suffrage, the right to come and go, as well as labor rights, such as the unemployment insurance, the minimum wage, irreducible salaries, vacations and the 13th salary – these were some of the achievements made in 1988 and mentioned by the president of Congress, senator Renan Calheiros, on Tuesday (October 29), during a ceremony celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Constitution that restored democracy in Brazil.

The ceremony gathered former presidents José Sarney, who was in office at the time, and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, then a constituent deputy. Though invited, former presidents Fernando Collor de Mello and Fernando Henrique Cardoso did not attend the event.

President Dilma Rousseff was represented by vice-president Michel Temer, to whom a tribute was paid for his work as a congressman at the National Constituent Assembly. He pointed out that the Carta Magna, as the Brazilian Constitution is also called,  “brought the institutional stability [we have] today thanks to the good application of the constitutional text.”

In his speech during the ceremony, former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva recognized the role played by José Sarney in the creation of the National Constituent Assembly: “At no time, even when antagonized in Congress, have you raised a finger to hinder the endeavors of the Assembly, which certainly was the most extraordinary enterprise undertaken by Congress.”

Referring to the non-partisan and apolitical discourse prevailing in some segments of Brazilian society, especially among the younger ones, Lula warned that denying politics may lead to authoritarian regimes: “In the History of this country, if the youth read the biographies of Getúlio Vargas, Juscelino Kubitschek and other biographies, [they] would probably not despise politics, nor would the press get in the way of politics as it does today. At no point in History, nowhere in the world, has denial of politics brought anything better than politics. What we see whenever politics is denied is a group who actually enforces dictatorship.”

Edited by: Beto Courta / Lícia Marques
Translated by: Fabrício Ferreira

Creative Commons - CC BY 3.0

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