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Research shows lack of qualified workforce affects 65% of Brazilian companies

Criado em 28/10/13 17h17 e atualizado em 28/10/13 17h30
Por Ivan Richard Fonte:Agência Brasil

Brasília – Finding qualified manpower has been a major problem faced by Brazilian companies in recent years, according to a study carried out by Brazil’s National Confederation of Industry (“CNI”), published on Monday (October 28). The survey, which heard respondents from 1.761 companies from April 1 to 11, shows that 65% of the companies in the extractive and transformation industries indicated shortage of qualified workforce as a problem.

According to CNI’s “Special Survey – Shortage of Qualified Workforce in the Industry” medium- and large-sized companies are even more severely affected. In a comparison with the survey’s previous edition, conducted in 2011, the percentage of the businesses reporting to have difficulties finding skilled workers rose from 66% to 68%.

Among medium-sized companies, the rate remained at 66%, whereas, for small companies, the percentage of respondents who find it difficult to recruit qualified workforce reached 61% against 68% in the previous study.

In CNI’s view, this issue can become even more serious if Brazil’s economy starts growing again. “Since the end of 2010, the industry hasn’t grown and, even so, businessmen struggle to find qualified workers. As industry resumes its growth, the problem will be aggravated,” said CNI’s executive manager for Research and Competitiveness Renato da Fonseca, in charge of the survey.

Still according to the survey, the difficulties in finding skilled candidates can be encountered in every department of a company, from basic positions to management ones. In order to fill up operator positions, 90% of the companies interviewed admitted they faced difficulties; and for technician jobs, a similar answer was given by 80% of the companies. Altogether, both areas amount to approximately 70% of the people hired in the industry.

The research further revealed that 68% of the businesses consider it difficult to find qualified professionals for administrative departments, 67% for engineers, 61% for sales and marketing, 60% for management positions, and 59% for research and development workers.

The study goes on to show that, in order to overcome this issue, companies have been training their own staff. The survey reports that 81% of the companies implement training programs, 43% adopt employee retention policies by offering good salaries and benefits, and 38% promote training programs outside the company.

Some companies (24%) replace human workforce with technology. This solution is adopted by 26% of the small companies, 24% of the medium-sized ones, and 21% of the large companies.

Edited by: Carolina Pimentel / Olga Bardawil
Translated by: Fabrício Ferreira

Creative Commons - CC BY 3.0

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