
Brazil's running for a position at the OAS Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

Criado em 28/05/13 15h19 e atualizado em 28/05/13 15h41
Por Renata Giraldi Edição:Talita Cavalcante/ Nira Foster Fonte:Agência Brasil

Brasília – Brazil is running for one of three seats at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the Organization of American States (OAS) to serve the 2014-2017 term. The country's nominee is former minister Paulo Vannuchi, aged 63. The voting will be held during the 43rd OAS General Assembly in Antigua, Guatemala, on June 3-6.

Vannuchi is a social scientist and political consultant, and headed the Secretariat for Human Rights housed at Brazil's Presidency between 2005-2010. His candidacy was officially announced in late March. He is currently a board member of the Lula Institute (a private study center founded by former President Lula).

Other first-time candidates include James Cavallaro (United States), Erick Roberts Garcés (Ecuador), and Javier de Balaúnde López de Romaña (Peru). José de Jesús Orozco Henríquez (Mexico) and the current president of the commission, Rodrigo Escobar Gil (Colombia), are running for reelection.

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights consists of seven elected members who serve a four-year term, and are eligible to one reelection only. Three commissioners will enter a second term this year. All 23 member countries of the OAS have a direct and confidential vote. Candidates who receive the largest number of votes are elected.

Under the provisions of the American Convention on Human Rights and the IACHR Statute, the elected commissioners must have an unbiased, independent approach to their duties. This means that Vannuchi won't act on behalf of Brazil as a commissioner. In order to avoid concerns around their judgment and decisions, the commissioners don't get involved in cases relevant to their specific countries.

Edition: Talita Cavalcante/ Nira Foster
Translators: Mayra Borges/ Olga Bardawil

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