
Survey reveals that in 2010 / 2011 workers with university degrees earned over 200% more

Criado em 27/05/13 09h18 e atualizado em 27/05/13 09h55
Por Flavia Villela Edição:s Fonte:Agencia Brasil

Rio de Janeiro – Brazilian workers with a college education make up to 219% more than workers who have not completed university studies, according to the 2011 Central Business Register (“Cempre”). Data collected by the Brazilian Statistics Institute (“IBGE”) for Cempre found that the average salary of workers with a degree was $2,013.44, compared to $630.08 for those who did not have a degree.

The IBGE surveyed personal information and payrolls in the private sector, along with the government, non-profit organizations and the self-employed, as well as multinational groups and found that 82.9% of Brazilian workers do not have a university degree.

According to the survey, in 2011, private sector companies paid lower monthly wages ($775.19 on average) than the government sector where pay was an average $1,206.60. Non-profit organizations paid an average monthly wage of $823.39.

The highest average salaries were in the energy and gas industry ($2,710.72), followed by banking and finance, insurance, and related activities ($2,051.42). The lowest salaries were those paid by hospitality and catering ($417.78) and administrative and office support services ($540.49). Overall, the survey found that Brazilian workers' monthly average pay had a real increase of 2.4% between 2010-2011, rising to $872.87 (3.3 times the minimum wage during the period (which was an average of R$530, equivalent to around $260)).

Finally, the survey found that more women are working in Brazil than ever. There was an increase of 5.7% in the number of women employed between 2010 and 2011, while the number of men employed only rose 4.7% during the period. Even so, men continue to account for most of the workforce (57.7%) and earn more. The  average salary for men was $955.35,  over 25% more than a women's average salary ($760.15).

Editors: Denise Griesinger / Olga Bardawil
Translation: Mayra Borges / Allen Bennett


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