
“Gay cure” bill approved by Human Rights Commission

Criado em 19/06/13 10h25 e atualizado em 19/06/13 12h26
Por Ivan Richard Edição:Beto Coura / Lícia Marques Fonte:Agência Brasil

Brasília – A bill lifting the  ban on psychological treatment that seeks to change the sexual orientation of homosexuals has been approved by the Chamber of Deputies' Human Rights and Minorities Commission (“CDH”). [The Brazilian Psychology Association (“Conselho Federal de Psicologia”) lobbied hard against the bill, having championed the ban]

Deputy Simplício Araújo (PPS-MA), the only committee member to oppose the bill, popularly known as the “gay cure,” charged that the vote was a shoddy maneuver to please right-wing Christians. Araujo tried unsuccessfully to filibuster the vote and, failing, warned: “You [evangelical congressmen] can't give the evangelical community what you have promised them for the simple reason that there's no healing something that is not a disease. I sincerely wish the Psychology Association could heal the acute shamelessness and other disorders that affect so many politicians in this country.”

Deputy Roberto de Lucena of the Green Party (PV-SP) replied: "This wasn't our point at all. I don't mean to stir up controversy, but let me tell you that I feel those remarks [by Araujo] were disrespectful. This is a house of debate. I refuse to accept this label. I took time to review the bill in another commission, we held public sessions and discussed the matter in depth. So I don't want to be labeled that way".

The bill was drafted by Deputy João Campos (PSDB-GO). He described the position of the Psychology Association as  “unconstitutional and in violation of the patient freedom.”

The bill will now be submitted to the Commission on Constitution and Justice (“Comissão de Constituição e Justiça – CCJ”) of the Chamber of Deputies.

Edition: Beto Coura / Lícia Marques
Translation: Mayra Borges / Allen Bennett

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