
Brazilian police disband trafficking gangs and arrest 35

Criado em 24/10/13 16h15 e atualizado em 24/10/13 17h37
Por Ivan Richard Edição:s Fonte:Agência Brasil

Brasília – Brazil’s Federal Police launched on Thursday (October 24) an operation to disband a criminal organization charged with duty evasion and contraband trafficking of cigarettes from Paraguay, among other goods. The operation was named Double Face (Portuguese: Dupla Face) and was carried out in three cities near the border, in the state of Paraná: Foz do Iguaçu, Santa Terezinha de Itaipu and Medianeira. The operation was also put into practice in the city of Belém, in Pará, within Brazil’s Amazon region.

The operation was supported by the Federal Revenue, and, according to the Federal police, taxes evaded and the fines originating from them surpass $18 million.

The Federal Police went on to explain that the scheme devised by the gang to prevent contraband from going through inspection points on highway BR 277 was simple. The transport of contraband was escorted by “scouts”, who went ahead of the truck drivers and kept them aware of possible police operations awaiting them along the road. In addition, according to the Federal Police, civil servants and other people working on the highway also cooperated in the scheme.

The majority of the 35 people arrested in flagrante were drivers and “scouts”. An amount of nearly $14 million worth of goods was seized, along with 46 vehicles, most of which trucks, loaded with cigarettes. The gang also used names of third parties to purchase cars and use them for the transport of contraband.

Editors: Marcos Chagas / Olga Bardawil
Translator: Fabrício Ferreira

Tags:  brazil [2], scouts [3], Belém [4], trucks [5], cigarettes [6], contraband [7], Double Face [8], Foz do Iguaçu [9], national [10], operation [11], Federal Police [12], prison [13], gang [14]
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