
Brazil streamlines export clearance procedures

Criado em 06/11/13 11h28 e atualizado em 06/11/13 11h30
Por Wellton Máximo Fonte:Agência Brasil

Brasília – Export goods from Brazil now take shorter times to ship as of Tuesday (Nov. 5). The Federal Revenue Office (RFB) has changed Brazil's export clearance procedures by automating customs filings and relaxing the declaration requirements so as to reduce the average clearance time from 3.19 days to 2.12 days.

The Export Declaration (DE) and other paperwork were previously required for all merchandise bound for other countries. Under the new rules, exporters are only required to submit this documentation for shipments going through the orange or red channels, where they are subject to mandatory checks. The RFB reported that only 12% of customs declarations go through these channels.

For the remaining 88% shipments that get routed to the green channel – which are not subject to customs checks – clearance is automatic. According to the Federal Revenue, this will result in lower operational costs for the exporter.

In addition to relaxing requirements, the RFB has automated customs filings. The documentation can now be submitted online, which means that exporters or their agents will no longer need to go to a customs office in advance to hand in their paper statements.

The RFB estimates that the new system will reduce customs office workloads by about 90,000 service desk operations every month. The changes are also expected to make human resources management more effective.

Edited by Nádia Franco/ Lícia Marques
Translated by Mayra Borges

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