
Rousseff and four of Brazil’s ex-presidents to attend Mandela’s funeral in South Africa

Criado em 09/12/13 17h05 e atualizado em 09/12/13 18h58
Por Yara Aquino Fonte:Agência Brasil

Brasília – President Dilma Rousseff and four of Brazil’s ex-presidents flew on Monday (Dec. 9) to South Africa where they are expected to attend South Africa’s former president Nelson Mandela. Shortly before getting aboard, Rousseff said on her Twitter: “the Brazilian State is united in its tribute to Mandela,” and that “it is an honor to have all former presidents together with a single purpose;” she further stated that this joint activity shows that “occasional every-day divergences do not jeopardize the views of the Brazilian State.”

Rousseff’s entourage includes former presidents Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Fernando Collor and José Sarney. Other members are foreign minister Luiz Alberto Figueiredo; Luiza Bairros, minister of the Secretariat of Policies for the Promotion of Racial Equality; social communication minister Helena Chagas; and Marco Aurélio Garcia, Special Advisor for International Affairs.

Mandela passed away last Thursday (Dec. 6), aging 95, from a lung infection. In addition to the Brazilian politicians, the event will be attended by leaders from all over the world.

On Tuesday (Dec. 10), a national ceremony will be held at the Soweto stadium, in Johannesburg. The former president’s body will be exposed at the head of the Presidency, in Pretoria, from Dec. 11 to 13. On Dec. 15, Mandela will be buried in the village of Qunu, in the south of the country, where he was raised.

Edited by Carolina Pimentel / Lícia Marques
Translated by Fabrício Ferreira

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