
United Nations praises Brazilian policies against racism

Criado em 22/03/13 09h13 e atualizado em 25/03/13 12h15
Por Thais Leitão Edição:s Fonte:Agencia Brasil

Brasília – According to Jorge Chedieck, the representative in Brazil for the United Nations Development Program, the country's experience in public policies to combat racism and promote racial equality are examples that should be shared with other countries so they can follow them.

Speaking at an event marking the tenth anniversary of the Secretariat for Racial Equality (“Secretaria de Políticas de Promoção da Igualdade Racial – Seppir”), Chedieck cited Brazil's racial quota system and its Statute of Racial Equality that punishes discrimination based on race. He then went on to recall a remark by Nelson Mandala to the effect that until the day comes when the color of a person's skin is less important than the color of their dreams, it will be necessary to continue the fight against racial discrimination.

“Basically, what Brazil has done is recognize that there was a problem and then moved to resolve it. Much progress has been made in recent years with the quota system and new legislation,” declared the UN representative.

Editors: Carolina Pimentel /Nira Foster
Translation: Allen Bennett

Tags:  racism [2], Seppir [3], UNDP [4], Jorge Chedieck [5]
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