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Brazil is a country that has made significant progress in improving Human Development Index, says UN

Criado em 15/03/13 08h49 e atualizado em 25/03/13 12h31
Por Luciano Nascimento Edição:Denise Griesinger Fonte:Agencia Brasil

Brasília – According to the United Nations Development Program's Human Development 2013 report, Brazil has improved 24% since 1990 on the Human Development Index (rising from 0.590 to 0.728).* The HDI is a composite statistic of education, income (decent standard of living) and life expectancy (healthy and comfortable), that ranks countries more by human well-being than just economic factors; it is intended to be a more people-centered index.

On the HDI, Brazil is located in 85th place in a ranking of  187 countries. The 2013 report emphasizes the rise of “south” countries, such as Brazil, Chile, India and China, saying they are “remodeling world dynamics in the broad context of human development.”

The report cites Brazil as an example of a country that has adopted a model where the state has greater participation in income transfer policies that have achieved historical results.

*Brazilian authorities have protested that if the UN used more updated information, Brazil's HDI would be 0.754).

Editor: Denise Griesinger

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